Friday, September 2, 2011

Baking Class: Cream Puffs and Eclairs

It's been over a year since I have updated this blog. Life got in the way, pure and simple. However, lately I have really been missing having an outlet to write and share my baking stories. I got a little nervous of what this blog could become -- work, rather than a place where I can keep track of all the things I make, all my successes and disasters, solely for my own benefit (and that of a few supportive family members and one glorious best friend). Being fairly self critical, I worried about other people reading this blog, not liking my writing or, gasp! finding a typo or two. My husband, ever my cheerleader, has patiently listened to all my excuses and fears and encouraged me to forget about "the audience" and make this blog about me, an online private journal if you will. And so, until the dreaded self-conscious monster rears its ugly head again, I shall start this blog anew. 

Below is an unfinished entry I just found as I logged into my blog for the first time in months. I think it was written around April or May of 2010. It will just have to do for now.


Oh my. It really has been quite the whirlwind month 'round these parts. Between life's crazy curve balls and weeks of an unshakable mental and physical exhaustion, this poor blog, just beginning to get off the ground, was tossed by the wayside. I just had too many other things to focus on...funny how sometimes when you have the most to say, you have the least ability to do so.

For instance, during my month-long blogging absence, I took a four-week baking class. It was wonderful and inspiring in every sense. Being in an industrial kitchen, with every ingredient, and every baking utensil at my disposal was freeing (and not having to do dishes was brilliant). I did some of my best baking at this class, surprising myself with my abilities. Now, I know that a baking class isn't a competition, and there is no grade at the end. Everyone, including myself, is there to learn. So what if you make mistakes? That's why we're all there right? And yet I must admit that I silently congratulated myself whenever I was the first to master a tricky bit of a recipe, or get all my ingredients mixed and baked. I know it's silly, but I don't care. Allowing myself to take pride in the ease with which my ingredients came together made me feel good. And ultimately that's why I bake. Because it makes me feel good.

So, on to week one: Pate a Choux (please excuse the lack of accents). Pate a choux is the light pastry that is typically used for cream puffs, eclairs, and the like. I was very excited to learn how to make eclairs, because they always seems like something only bakeries could make. A magical pastry that could not be attempted at home. How wholly wrong I was! It came together pretty easily, with great success.

The vanilla pastry cream within was worth the time and care it took to make. Is there anything prettier than a vanilla bean fleck? Honestly, they just make everything feel so glamorous and decedent. Given a choice between plain vanilla ice cream and vanilla ice cream with little vanilla bean flecks, the flecks get me every time. I'm like a vanilla bean magpie.

This pastry cream was delicious. It also happens to be one of my husband's favorite food groups, which means I got foot rubs for a whole week till we ran out. Now I know the secret!

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